Nicaragua and Venezuela. This commitment also applies to Chile and has Last Database multiple landings:1. It is also a left that thinks of Chile from Latin America, instead of viewing itself (and trying to sell itself) as the example of a Last Database country that managed to "escape" from the region. In the case of Boric, moreover, this new left is articulated around a leadership with an innate ability to handle symbolic elements, to direct Last Database gestures and to display empathy, both through hugs and social networks. Last summer, during the transition period.
Chile recovered its joy Last Database after long years of stress, uncertainty and discomfort. Boric shone where the presidential leadership of Sebastián Piñera generated boredom and rejection. The nomination of a cabinet with a majority of women, with Last Database unprecedented levels of social and territorial diversity, with expertisetechnical but in addition to social work in the sectoral portfolios, it also contributed significantly to generating Last Database genuine hope. And while the replacement of ruling elites crystallized the illusion of leaving behind a traditional political class complicit in the "abuses" of the "model", the Constitutional Convention also promised to undo the institutional hindrances of a new social order.
This climate culminated in a Last Database change of command full of symbols and optimism. However, the first weeks of the government led by Boric, as well as the course of the Constitutional Convention, have quickly called into question his promise. The honeymoon Last Database was intense, but short. Like so many other non-traditional Chilean exports (“a competitive economy, with low levels of collusion and corruption”, “an institutionalized party system”, “a capable and efficient State”, “a society with low levels of informality”), this new left Last Database could be somewhat "hydroponic", without sufficient channeling in society. In the rest of the text I analyze the structural factors that underlie this weakness.