Test and personalize the emails you send. It presents the option to do A/B tests and personalize with intelligent content, that is, according to potential customer characteristics. In the "Marketing" tab you can also create landing pages or landing pages. You have a free version that allows you to create up to 20 landing pages, or two other versions depending on whether you are a newly started marketing professional or you are already advanced, in which you can create unlimited Landing Pages.
Also within this tab you can get the return on investment of social networks, and connect with potential customers. On the other hand, HubSpot provides you with mobile number list personalized SEO advice so that you are found among the top positions in search engines. The creation of forms for your web page is another functionality within the Marketing tab. These forms are integrated into the platform's database, that is, in the "Contacts" tab, as we saw previously. How to make a Content Marketing strategy In the sales button you have multiple functions.
For example, you can track how prospects become customers and how your earnings are performing. Forecast on Hubspot Uses Within this tab we find the "Tasks" option that constitutes a complete agenda on the list of completed, upcoming and pending tasks. It is integrated with the Google or Outlook calendar and with Salesforce. Finally, within the sales tab, you have the option to schedule appointments, prepare and share documents with clients. Within the " Service" option, you have a customer support system integrated with the customer service, so you can register the claim or complaint on this same platform and provide a quick and efficient solution.